About Me

Chia-Cheng (Jerry) Yen

Chia-Cheng Yen graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis. During his Ph.D. program, he was working under the supervision of Professor Dipak Ghosal and working with the C3PO research group whose topics focus on improving traffic throughput and analyzing security threats to traffic networks in a Connected and Autonomous Vehicles environment at UC Davis. Prior to Yen’s academic career at UC Davis, he completed his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science at Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei, Taiwan and National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, respectively. He subsequently worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He is currently working as a data scientist with AT&T research labs, aiming at home network security, remote worker security, RG latency prediction, and 5G NR. His interests are applying state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) algorithms to challenging problems and studying how to well combine the domain knowledge of the problems with the ML algorithms to better solve the problems. His expertise includes Machine Learning and its applications, especially related to 5G Networks, Security, Decision Making, and Optimization. In addition to his research, Yen loves cooking dishes from his country and baking desserts.

For more information about me: Google Scholar/ LinkedIn/ GitHub/ CV. (last updated in 08/02/2024).

Contact information: ccyen@ucdavis.edu

Learn how to bake a little bit more,
Gain a lot more fun in your life.

I understand Ph.D. programs are an enduring process where we all need to struggle by our own. However, Baking sweets is able to release me from high pressure, and on top of that, I can share them with my colleagues and friends. It is always nice to see my pressure transfer into my colleagues' fat, which brings me delights.

Although my baking skills haven't been mature yet and there is still room from improvement, brownies and egg tarts are two desserts which I make a lot at present. Baking and research are very similar in some aspects because they both require your concentration and patience.


  • All
  • Ongoing Projects
  • Conferences
  • Journals
Two-level Deep Reinforcement Learning Architecture for Traffic Signal Control of Multiple Intersections
Chia-Cheng Yen, Dipak Ghosal, Michael Zhang, and Chen-Nee Chuah
LT-based Distributed Storage Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Chia-Cheng Yen
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Platooning Control for Travel Delay and Fuel Optimization
Chia-Cheng Yen, Hang Gao, and Michael Zhang
IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Oct. 2022.
Graph Neural Network based Root Cause Analysis Using Multivariate Time-series KPIs for Wireless Networks
Chia-Cheng Yen, Wenting Sun, Hakimeh Purmehdi, Won Park, Kunal Rajan Deshmukh, Nishank Thakrar, Omar Nassef, and Adam Jacobs
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Apr. 2022.
Two-phase Scheme for Trimming QTMT CU Partition using Multi-branch Convolutional Neural Networks
Pin-Chieh Fu, Chia-Cheng Yen, Nien-Chen Yang, and Jia-Shung Wang
IEEE 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS), Jun. 2021.
Security Vulnerabilities and Protection Algorithms for Backpressure-Based Traffic Signal Control at an Isolated Intersection
Chia-Cheng Yen, Dipak Ghosal, Michael Zhang, and Chen-Nee Chuah
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 2021.
Video Popularity Prediction: An Autoencoder Approach with Clustering
Yu-Tai Lin, Chia-Cheng Yen, and Jia-Shung Wang
IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 129285-129299, 2020.
A Deep On-Policy Learning Agent for Traffic Signal Control of Multiple Intersections
Chia-Cheng Yen, Dipak Ghosal, Michael Zhang, and Chen-Nee Chuah
IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Sept. 2020.
Falsified Data Attack on Backpressure-based Traffic Signal Control Algorithms
Chia-Cheng Yen, Dipak Ghosal, Michael Zhang, Chen-Nee Chuah, and Hao Chen
IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Dec. 2018.
Cooperative Caching Plan of Popular Videos for Mobile Users by Grouping Preferences
Yi-Ting Chen, Chia-Cheng Yen, Yu-Tai Lin, and Jia-Shung Wang
IEEE 16th International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PiCom), Aug. 2018.
Tree-Structure Linear Approximation for Data Compression over WSNs
Chu-Ming Wang, Chia-Cheng Yen, Wan-Yane Yang, and Jia-Shung Wang
IEEE 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), May 2016.
Interpolation based consensus clustering for gene expression time series
Tai-Yu Chiu, Ting-Chieh Hsu, Chia-Cheng Yen, and Jia-Shung Wang
BMC Bioinformatics.2015;16:117.
Distributed Delivery of Popular Videos over Ultra-Dense Networks
Chia-Cheng Yen and Jia-Shung Wang
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), Jul. 2015.
A Framework of Temporal Data Retrieval for Unreliable WSNs Using Distributed Fountain Codes
Hsien-Tzu Chiu, Chia-Cheng Yen, and Jia-Shung Wang
IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), Dec. 2013.

Work Experience

06/2024 ~ Present AT&T Research Labs, AT&T, San Ramon, CA, USA
  • Principal Member of Technical Staff, Director: Dr. Tracy Liu
  • Develop a volumetric based ML model for detecting unusual usage behaviors for in-home IoT devices
  • Analyze weekly speed test results for 8.6M AT&T fiber customers and pinpoint root causes of speed test failures
  • Discover the PON congestion issue that leads to high failure rates for a specific types of RG models
  • Support Ask Fiber, an intelligent chatbot that can perform analyses to assist product/engineer teams

09/2021 ~ 06/2024 AT&T Research Labs, AT&T, San Ramon, CA, USA
  • Senior Member of Technical Staff, Director: Dr. Tracy Liu
  • Analyze the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of 5G NR
  • Provide insights into business development, marketing communications, innovative product and service
  • Develop a deep learning model for detecting potential threats and discovering vulnerabilities in home network

06/2021 ~ 09/2021 Global Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (GAIA), Team NEUTRON 2, Ericsson, Santa Clara, CA, USA
  • Data Scientist Intern, Manager: Dr. Wenting Sun
  • Survey existing work on root cause analysis (RCA)
  • Develop an innovative graph neural network (GNN-based) RCA algorithm for 5G wireless environments
  • Predict potential root cause nodes and a series of failures led by them
  • Achieve higher prediction accuracy if more node features are included

03/2018 ~ 06/2021 Department of Computer Science, University of California, Davis, CA, USA
  • Teaching Assistant
  • ECS 10, ECS 50, ECS 122A, ECS 154A, ECS 252
  • Teach and organize discussions for undergraduate students

09/2017 ~ 06/2021 Network and Architecture Lab, University of California, Davis, CA, USA
  • Graduate Student Researcher, Advisor: Prof. Dipak Ghosal
  • Research topics including Reinforcement Learning, Traffic Signal Control, and Security
  • Security analysis on Backpressure-based schemes
  • Apply SARSA, SARSA λ, and Q-learning with deep neural networks to traffic control problems

04/2017 ~ 08/2017 Advanced Network Technologies and Services Lab, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • Research Assistant, Supervisor: Dr. Meng Chang Chen
  • Research topics including Wireless Networks and Machine Learning

10/2014 ~ 09/2015 Missile Command of the General Staff, Headquarter Departments of Ministry of National Defense R.O.C.
  • Communication and Information Private
  • Fulfilled compulsory military service

09/2012 ~ 07/2014 Visual Communication Lab, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  • Research Assistant, Advisor: Prof. Jia-Shung Wang
  • Research topics including Networks, Clustering, Stereo Matching, and Data Compression
  • Attended IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, International Workshop on Software Defined Sensor Networks, Dalian, China, December 11-13, 2013

09/2011 ~ 01/2012 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei, Taiwan
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Provided class tutoring for Assembly Language
  • Assisted students with programming and examining


  • IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)
  • IEEE Sensors Journal
  • IEEE Access
  • Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering

Teaching Experience

ECS 10: Introduction to Programming , 2018 Spring, Teaching Assistant

ECS 50: Machine Dependent Programming , 2018 Fall, Teaching Assistant

ECS 50: Machine Dependent Programming , 2019 Spring, Teaching Assistant

ECS 154A: Computer Architecture , 2019 Fall, Teaching Assistant

ECS 122A: Algorithm Design and Analysis , 2020 Winter, Teaching Assistant

ECS 252: Computer Networks , 2021 Spring, Teaching Assistant

Recent News

Coming Soon! Our work on root cause analysis (RCA) using graph neural networks (GNNs) is accepted by 2022 NOMS

Posted: Chia-Cheng Yen / Date: 20 Dec. 2021 / Category: Conference Paper

Our work on security got accepted by 2021 IEEE ITS.

Posted: Chia-Cheng Yen / Date: 06 Feb. 2021 / Category: Journal Paper

Finally, this four-and-a-half-year journey will end soon. I will graduate by Mar. next year!

Posted: Chia-Cheng Yen / Date: 20 Dec. 2021 / Category: Ph.D. Program

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Duis volutpat condimentum mollis. Sed eleifend libero ut viverra mattis. Suspendisse consectetur diam dolor, ut efficitur sem finibus vel. Vivamus tristique lacus sed dapibus varius. Fusce pharetra, quam quis congue pretium, ante dui imperdiet ipsum, eget lobortis leo leo sed diam.

Praesent purus leo, aliquet et efficitur id, pulvinar scelerisque enim. Maecenas a arcu sagittis, ornare ante ut, suscipit lectus. Donec dolor ipsum, laoreet nec metus non, tempus elementum massa. Donec non elit rhoncus, vestibulum enim sed, rutrum arcu. Vestibulum et purus ac diam condimentum volutpat sed ac est. Phasellus interdum tortor sem. Quisque sit amet condimentum sem. Phasellus luctus, felis sit amet pulvinar luctus, lectus dui mattis tellus, et placerat nunc ante at lacus.

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Nullam rhoncus, orci et iaculis sodales, quam lectus suscipit augue, ut auctor massa dolor id metus. Nulla porta ut diam sodales dignissim. Ut sit amet augue vel justo laoreet dignissim. Maecenas vitae sollicitudin eros. In commodo placerat cursus. Quisque malesuada, nisl ac lacinia commodo, justo eros maximus ex, quis cursus odio erat at neque. Sed tincidunt eu dolor eget posuere.

Curabitur sit amet elit sit amet ligula eleifend aliquam quis eget quam. Mauris id mi nec justo venenatis tincidunt at ac massa. Sed et volutpat nunc. Quisque at urna quam. Duis sit amet neque eget quam iaculis iaculis. Quisque maximus porta elementum. Nam ac mattis erat, quis accumsan odio.

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